日本医科大学医学会雑誌 Online Journal メインナビゲーションを飛ばす
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第3巻 2007年6月 第3号

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中村 哲子

The Benefits of Using English Dictionaries in Writing Academic Papers
Tetsuko Nakamura
Department of English, Nippon Medical School

Japanese writers of academic papers need to make effective use of as many English dictionaries as possible in order to select appropriate and idiomatic expressions for their writings. The increase in the number of dictionaries available in electronic form allows quicker and easier reference to example sentences, which in turn provides writers with increased opportunities to familiarize themselves with natural English.

日医大医会誌 2007; 3(3), 152-155

Key words
English dictionaries, writing academic papers

Correspondence to
Tetsuko Nakamura, Department of English, Nippon Medical School, 2-297-2 Kosugi-cho, Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki-shi 211-0063, Japan

受付:2007年5月9日 受理:2007年5月31日

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