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第6巻 2010年10月 第4号

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阿曽 亮子1,2, 吉村 明修1,2, 志村 俊郎1,2, 瀧澤 俊広2,3, 明樂 重夫2,4, 儀我 真理子2,5, 八木 正敏1, 滋野 恭子6, 伊藤 高司6

Current Situation of Student Class Evaluations at Nippon Medical School and Their Pedagogical Significance
Ryoko Aso1,2, Akinobu Yoshimura1,2, Toshiro Shimura1,2, Toshihiro Takizawa2,3, Shigeo Akira2,4, Mariko Giga2,5, Masatoshi Yagi1, Yasuko Shigeno6 and Takashi Itoh6
1)Academic Quality and Development Office, Nippon Medical School
2)Teaching Evaluation Committee, Nippon Medical School
3)Department of Molecular Anatomy, Nippon Medical School
4)Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Nippon Medical School
5)Department of Mathematics, Nippon Medical School
6)Center for Information and Sciences, Nippon Medical School

A system of collecting student class evaluations was introduced at Nippon Medical School in February 2004: students initially submitted their responses to a questionnaire on paper via multiple-choice answer sheets and free comment forms, but recently, the Jenzabar system has been used to allow students to submit their answers by cellular phone. When a 10-point index was applied to an overall evaluation of teaching performance in the 2004 through 2008 academic years, the overall evaluation of the same teachers was found to have risen by an average of 0.12 point (n=165, Student's paired t-test, p<0.05); when applied to the same subjects/courses, the overall evaluation was found to have fallen by 0.10 point (n=53, Student's paired t-test, not significant). Although a large amount of time and effort is required to collect and compile student evaluations of 80 or more class projects and 230 or more individual teaching staff each year, we feel that the effort involved in providing early feedback to the students and making their education more interactive is worthwhile.

日医大医会誌 2010; 6(4), 169-173

Key words
teaching evaluation, medical students, medical education, mobile telephone

Correspondence to
Ryoko Aso, Academic Quality and Development Office, Nippon Medical School, 1-1-5 Sendagi, Bunkyo-ku Tokyo 113-8602, Japan

受付:2010年4月22日 受理:2010年6月4日

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