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第7巻 2011年10月 第4号

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伊勢 雄也, 片山 志郎

Treatment of Cancer and Palliative Care -What Are the Barriers to a home-based Palliative Care System? The Pharmacist's Viewpoint
Yuya Ise and Shirou Katayama
Department of Pharmaceutical Service, Nippon Medical School Hospital

Developing an effective home-based palliative care system in Japan has become more urgent following the addition of Home-Care Support Medical Clinics to the National Health Insurance scheme in 2006 and implementation of the Cancer Control Act in 2007. Additionally, shortening the number of days spent in acute-care hospitals and switching the provision of most anticancer therapies from a hospital setting to the home have increased this urgency. However, the number of cancer patients who choose to die at home remains low (5% to 6%) and indicates that a home-based palliative care system has not been adequately promoted. We discuss these issues from the pharmacist's viewpoint in this article.

日医大医会誌 2011; 7(4), 156-161

Key words
home-based palliative care system, barrier, pharmacist's viewpoint

Correspondence to
Yuya Ise, Department of Pharmaceutical Service, Nippon Medical School Hospital, 1-1-5 Sendagi, Bunkyo-ku Tokyo 113-8603, Japan

受付:2011年5月20日 受理:2011年7月20日

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