日本医科大学医学会雑誌 Online Journal メインナビゲーションを飛ばす
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第7巻 2011年10月 第4号

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古川 清憲1,3, 下條 悦子3, 大田 久子3, 岡野 雄三3, 佐藤 正巳3, 高橋 浩2,3

Analyzing the Contents of Opinion Box in Our Hospital from the Aspect of Medical Care Quality
Kiyonori Furukawa1,3, Etuko Simojoh3, Hisako Ohota3, Yuzo Okano3, Masami Satoh3 and Hiroshi Takahashi2,3
1Department of Surgery, Nippon Medical School
2Department of Ophthalmology, Nippon Medical School
3Department of Medical Safety Management, Nippon Medical School Hospital

Gathering information in the forms of complaints from patients, reports from staff, and surveys conducted by the hospital is an essential element in providing safe, high-quality medical care. We have analyzed the contents of letters placed to the opinion box in 1 year from January 1, 2010, and examined them from the viewpoint of the quality of medical care. In total, 121 letters with 127 opinions were posted. Overall, 74.4% of the letters were anonymous. The largest percentage of opinions (44.9%; 57 of 127 opinions) were about the behaviors and attitudes of the hospital staff towards patients, followed by requests to the hospital (15%; 19 opinions), opinions about hospital facilities (12.6%; 16 opinions), and complaints about waiting time and other issues (9.4%; 12 opinions). Overall, 83.5% of all comments were complaints. From the viewpoint of the quality of medical care, 27.6% of the comments were about "structure," 66.9% were about "process," and 3.1% were about "results." A large part of the structural problems can be improved with the launch of the new hospital. The remaining structural problems and process problems might be addressed by conducting cross-sectional restructuring and by upgrading the organization of the existing hospital, thus improving both the patients' satisfaction rate and the quality of medical care. Letters in the opinion box should be regularly reviewed (Plan-Do-Check-Action Cycle) in the future to maintain and improve the quality of medical care.

日医大医会誌 2011; 7(4), 162-165

Key words
opinion box, contents of the opinion box, medical care quality, Plan-Do-Check-Action cycle

Correspondence to
Kiyonori Furukawa, Department of Surgery, Nippon Medical School, 1-1-5 Sendagi, Bunkyo-ku Tokyo 113-8603, Japan

受付:2011年8月17日 受理:2011年9月7日

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