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第9巻 2013年6月 第3号

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中村 成夫

Chemistry of Reactive Oxygen Species and Antioxidants
Shigeo Nakamura
Department of Chemistry, Nippon Medical School

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are produced from molecular oxygen. ROS are the reduced forms of molecular oxygen and have high reactivity to biological components e.g. lipid, protein, and nucleic acid. ROS are considered to cause various diseases e.g. arteriosclerosis, myocardial infarction, cancer, and so on. A living body protects against ROS by antioxidant enzymes e.g. superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase. Natural antioxidants e.g. ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and α-tocopherol (vitamin E) also scavenge ROS. Recently, some novel artificial antioxidants are synthesized and are expected to a lead compound for drugs.

日医大医会誌 2013; 9(3), 164-169

Key words
reactive oxygen species, free radical, oxidative stress, antioxidant, radical scavenger

Correspondence to
Shigeo Nakamura, Department of Chemistry, Nippon Medical School, 2-297-2 Kosugi-cho, Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 211-0063, Japan

受付:2013年2月19日 受理:2013年3月5日

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