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第10巻 2014年4月 第2号

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儀我 真理子

Statistical Tests, Test of Independence
Mariko Giga
Department of mathematics, Nippon Medical School

In this paper we describe statistical test. This is the most important statistical field for examining the mean, variance and other characteristics of population by using sample. First, we propose a null hypothesis, for example, that the population mean is a certain value. With statistical analysis, if we conclude that the null hypothesis is to be rejected, we judge that the hypothesis is probably not true. When we conclude that the null hypothesis is to be accepted, we can only say that we cannot reject it. In this paper, we also describe a test of independence. This is a method of testing, for example, whether we can recognize a difference in the numbers of male and female patients with certain diseases. The main method of testing for independence is not applicable to small samples, for which other methods must be used.

日医大医会誌 2014; 10(2), 115-119

Correspondence to
Mariko Giga, Department of Mathematics, Nippon Medical School, 2-297-2 Kosugi-cho, Nakaharaku, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 211-0063, Japan

受付:2014年1月16日 受理:2014年3月17日

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