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第10巻 2014年10月 第4号

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吉田 羽奈, 伊勢 雄也, 片山 志郎

Treatment of Cancer and Palliative Care (5) Combination Therapy for Cancer Cachexia
Hana Yoshida, Yuya Ise and Shirou Katayama
Department of Pharmaceutical Service, Nippon Medical School

Cancer cachexia, characterized by anorexia and loss of muscle mass, has a negative effect on patient quality of life. In addition, the medical management of cancer cachexia remains difficult because of the multifactorial pathophysiology involved. Various drugs and other treatments have been tested with limited success, but a recent clinical trial suggests that multitargeted treatments would be effective. In this article, we describe such a combination therapy for cancer cachexia.

日医大医会誌 2014; 10(4), 172-177

Key words
cancer cachexia, combination therapy

Correspondence to
Hana Yoshida, Department of Pharmaceutical Service, Nippon Medical School Hospital, 1-1-5 Sendagi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8603, Japan

受付:2014年4月8日 受理:2014年6月23日

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