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第10巻 2014年10月 第4号

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中澤 秀夫

Logistic Regressions
Hideo Nakazawa
Department of Mathematics, Nippon Medical School

This paper explains logistic regression analysis, which is a commonly used technique in medical statistics. In particular, the basic ideas and methods of interval estimation and hypothesis testing with the software package SPSS are explained.

日医大医会誌 2014; 10(4), 186-191

Key words
logistic regression, odds ratio, relative risk, interval estimation, hypothesis testing

Correspondence to
Hideo Nakazawa, Department of Mathematics, Nippon Medical School, 1-7-1 Kyonancho, Musashino, Tokyo 180-0023, Japan

受付:2014年4月22日 受理:2014年6月4日

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