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第11巻 2015年2月 第1号

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小林 茂樹

A Case of Severe Dry Eye Enabled the Use of Hard Contact Lens Treated with Two Ophthalmic Solutions
Shigeki Kobayashi
Kobayashi Eye Clinic

Purpose: To report a case of severe dry eye associated with high myopia by combination therapy with diquafosol tetrasodium and sodium hyaluronate enabled the wearing of hard contact lenses (HCL) and improved symptoms.
Case: The patient was a 76-year-old woman for whom sodium hyaluronate was prescribed because ophthalmic dryness and a foreign-body sensation made her unable to wear HCL. The symptoms, however, did not improve, and she consulted our clinic. Because she strongly wished to wear hard contact lenses, I prescribed topical administration of diquafosol tetrasodium and sodium hyaluronate.
Result: With this treatment the objective findings and symptoms improved, and the patient was able to wear HCL.
Conclusion: Patients with severe dry eye should avoid wearing HCL, but combination therapy with diquafosol tetrasodium and sodium hyaluronate may allow the wearing of hard contact lenses in special cases, such as this case.

日医大医会誌 2015; 11(1), 20-24

Key words
dry eye, superficial punctate keratopathy, diquafosol tetrasodium, sodium hyaluronate, hard contact lens

Correspondence to
Shigeki Kobayashi, MD, Kobayashi Eye Clinic, 1-28 Showa-machi, Aoba-ku, Sendai Miyagi 981-0913, Japan

受付:2014年7月7日 受理:2014年8月12日

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