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第11巻 2015年2月 第1号

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安部 節美1, 小栗 智美2

About Change of the Ward Nurse's Discharge Support Process in Discharge Support Education
Setsumi Abe1 and Tomomi Oguri2
1)Patient Support Center, Nippon Medical School Hospital
2)Department of Nursing Service, Nippon Medical School Hospital

This study was conducted to examine how a patient discharge support training course for nurses changed the actual patient support process. We asked 11 chief nurses who joined the course to complete a questionnaire three times: before, during, and after the course. Significant changes were observed over time in their responses to 17 of the 24 questionnaire items that have a direct bearing on the patient discharge support process. The items that showed no significant differences were those that required working with other health professionals, including doctors and nurses. The results suggest that education on collaboration among health professionals and encouragement of teamwork should be explored to improve patient discharge support.

日医大医会誌 2015; 11(1), 37-40

Key words
discharge support, nursing coordination, team

Correspondence to
Setsumi Abe, Nippon Medical School Hospital, 1-1-5 Sendai, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8603, Japan

受付:2014年10月2日 受理:2015年1月17日

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