日本医科大学医学会雑誌 Online Journal メインナビゲーションを飛ばす
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第12巻 2016年6月 第3号

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柳 健, 柏原 元

Radical Repair of Inguinal Hernia in Same Day Surgery
Ken Yanagi and Moto Kashiwabara
Tokyo Day Surgery Clinic

Due to advances in minimally-invasive surgical treatment, diseases that have conventionally required hospitalization, can now be treated in same day surgery. Among such treatments, same day inguinal hernioplasty is now the worldwide gold standard. Due to the National Health Insurance (NHI) point system, however, such day surgery is not yet standard in Japan. In our clinic, day surgery for inguinal hernia has been performed for 873 patients since 2014, with favorable outcomes. It is extremely important to perform under balanced anesthesia, and to occlude the hernia orifice with a minimum delamination procedure due to the surgical techniques necessary for safe day surgery. Day surgery is less-invasive and low in cost with many benefits for busy modern people who have a difficulty in taking off work. We should further improve surgical techniques to continuously perform such a minimally invasive the day surgery in the future.

日医大医会誌 2016; 12(3), 92-94

Key words
inguinal hernia, day surgery, hernioplasty, mesh plug, direct kugel patch

Correspondence to
Ken Yanagi, Tokyo Day Surgery Clinic, Maruhiro-Nihonbashi Bldg. 2F, 2-2-2 Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku Tokyo 103-0027, Japan

受付:2016年4月4日 受理:2016年5月12日

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