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第15巻 2019年6月 第3号

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臨床現場における薬剤師の役割(4) 病棟における薬剤師の役割
林 太祐, 伊勢 雄也, 片山 志郎

Role of Pharmacists in a Clinical Setting: Effectiveness of Pharmacists in Charge of Ward Work
Daisuke Hayashi, Yuya Ise and Shirou Katayama
Department of Pharmacy, Nippon Medical School Hospital

Extending the role of pharmacists beyond the dispensing room to the ward bedside is essential for the advancement of medical care, and clinical pharmacists now provide pharmacological care-based drug therapy to patients through drug management guidance and hospital medical services. At hospitals, pharmacists support doctors by checking the dosage and content of prescriptions, monitoring efficacy and side effects, and providing information on drug interactions, thereby ensuring that advanced drug treatment is efficient and safe. We analyzed the records of interventions in drug therapy by clinical pharmacists working in the wards at our hospital and found that they contributed to the efficacy and safety of treatment. The clinical pharmacists made over 300 pharmaceutical interventions each month. Most of these interventions involved such important elements as treatment proposals and dosages, and more than 80% of them helped eliminate potential problems for patients, such as the necessity of additional treatment.

日医大医会誌 2019; 15(3), 115-127

Key words
clinical pharmacist, pharmaceutical care, drug management guidance, pharmaceutical intervention

Correspondence to
Daisuke Hayashi, Department of Pharmacy, Nippon Medical School Hospital, 1-1-5 Sendagi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8603, Japan

受付:2018年3月13日 受理:2019年6月3日

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