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第16巻 2020年6月 第3号

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近藤 匡慶, 長野 槙彦, 田杭 直哉, 菅谷 量俊, 高瀬 久光

The Role of the Pharmacist in Clinical Settings Providing Information on Injectable Drug Incompatibilities
Masayoshi Kondo, Makihiko Nagano, Naoya Tagui, Kazutoshi Sugaya and Hisamitsu Takase
Department of Pharmacy, Nippon Medical School Tama Nagayama Hospital

Multiple intravenous drugs are often combined in the same tubing, syringe, or bottle, which greatly increases the risk of drug incompatibility. Providing information on avoiding drug incompatibilities is an important task for pharmacists and other medical staff. Techniques to avoid incompatibility include changing the administration schedule, flushing with normal saline before and after injection, and administering drugs by using separate lines. In our hospital, the drug information (DI) pharmacist uses ordering and departmental systems to provide information on avoiding drug incompatibilities when a physician prescribes an injection or a nurse prepares an injection based on a prescription. In addition, to avoid drug incompatibilities of continuous injectables, we developed a compatibility chart for 27 drugs. To facilitate its use by medical staff, the chart has been placed in injection preparation areas in each ward. In addition, the ward pharmacist checks and provides an appropriate intravenous line at the bedside. In conclusion, DI pharmacists should establish a system for avoiding drug incompatibilities, and drug infusion routes should be managed by ward pharmacists.

日医大医会誌 2020; 16(3), 144-154

Key words
pharmacist, compatibility chart, incompatibility

Correspondence to
Masayoshi Kondo, Department of Pharmacy, Nippon Medical School Tama Nagayama Hospital, 1-7-1 Nagayama, Tama Tokyo 206-8512, Japan

受付:2020年3月1日 受理:2020年3月30日

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