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第18巻 2022年4月 第2号

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田原 温, 宮内 秀典, 野口 周作, 笠原 英城

The Role of the Pharmacist in Clinical Settings (10): The Role of the Pharmacist in Combating Polypharmacy
Atsushi Tahara, Hidenori Miyauchi, Shusaku Noguchi and Eijo Kasahara
Department of Pharmacy, Nippon Medical School Musashi Kosugi Hospital

The increased incidence of multiple concurrent medical conditions in elderly people means that this population is also at increased risk for polypharmacy and the adverse drug events (ADEs) it can lead to. The problem of polypharmacy cannot be solved without identifying and eliminating the inappropriately prescribed combinations of medications that lead to ADEs, of course, but the causes of polypharmacy also include factors related to daily life, such as patients' activities of daily living and the circumstances in which they live. Therefore, doctors cannot be expected to take full responsibility for protecting their patients from polypharmacy without the help of other medical staff. Pharmacists can play an important role in this respect by collaborating with other medical staff to identify unnecessary medication and to implement efforts to improve medication adherence.

日医大医会誌 2022; 18(2), 202-211

Key words
polypharmacy, adverse drug events, inappropriate prescriptions, team approach, pharmaceutical care

Correspondence to
Atsushi Tahara, Department of Pharmacy, Nippon Medical School Musashi Kosugi Hospital Perinatal and Pediatric Medical Center, 1-383 Kosugi-cho, Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 211-8533, Japan

受付:2021年10月5日 受理:2021年12月14日

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