日本医科大学医学会雑誌 Online Journal メインナビゲーションを飛ばす
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第19巻 2023年4月 第2号

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福島 与詩香, 渡邉 友起子, 林 太祐, 伊勢 雄也

The Role of the Pharmacist in Clinical Settings (12): DI Services to Support Clinical Practice
Yoshika Fukushima, Yukiko Watanabe, Daisuke Hayashi and Yuya Ise
Department of Pharmaceutical Service, Nippon Medical School Hospital

In recent years, the number of pharmaceutical products has continued to increase, and with it, the volume of information has inevitably grown as well. This section introduces some of the efforts made in our DI office to handle appropriate drug information to support the ever-changing medical care and busy clinical practice. The types of drug information include safety information, information on the efficacy and effectiveness of drugs, and information on drugs adopted by facilities. We determine the immediacy of such information and endeavor to communicate and disseminate it. As a means of providing this information, the company produces a pharmacy department news and a monthly pharmaceutical information magazine. The department also responds to questions from physicians and other healthcare professionals regarding pharmaceuticals. It is necessary to understand the background of the problem to be solved and to collect, process, and provide appropriate information. The DI Office participates in committees related to the proper use and safety management of pharmaceuticals in hospitals, such as the Pharmaceutical Affairs Committee, which is responsible for the selection of drugs to be used, and the Drug Safety Management Committee. The DI Office also prepares materials for these committees and monitors the use of drugs for off-label use, thereby contributing to the proper use and safety management of drugs in hospitals. In the ever-changing healthcare environment, we will continue to promote the proper use of pharmaceuticals and actively provide information to help ensure appropriate drug treatment in clinical settings.

日医大医会誌 2023; 19(2), 164-170

Key words
drug information services, medication therapy management, pharmaceutical services

Correspondence to
Yoshika Fukushima, Department of Pharmaceutical Service, Nippon Medical School Hospital, 1-1-5 Sendagi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8603, Japan

受付:2023年1月23日 受理:2023年3月8日

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