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第3巻 2007年10月 第4号

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五十嵐 美和, 大内 望, 松橋 智彦, 永山 千晶, 三宅 秀彦, 鈴木 俊治

Obstetric Outcomes in Older Primiparae with Dichorionic Twin Pregnancies
Miwa Igarashi, Nozomi Ouchi, Tomohiko Matsuhashi, Chiaki Nagayama, Hidehiko Miyake and Shunji Suzuki
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Japanese Red Cross Katsushika Maternity Hospital, Tokyo

The aim of this study was to investigate maternal and neonatal outcomes in dichorionic twin pregnancies in older primiparae (nulliparous women older than 35 years) compared with those in younger primiparae. This was a retrospective study of dichorionic twin pregnancies managed at Japanese Red Cross Katsushika Maternity Hospital from 2002 through 2006. Nulliparous women 35 years and older at delivery (n=60) were compared with nulliparous women between the aged 20 to 34 years at delivery (n=181). The women 35 or older were more likely to have used assisted reproductive technology. There were no measurable differences in obstetric outcomes such as preeclampsia, premature delivery, low birth weight and neonatal asphyxia between the two groups. Advanced maternal age does not seem to affect obstetric outcomes in nulliparous dichorionic twin pregnancies.

日医大医会誌 2007; 3(4), 179-182

Key words
dichorionic twin pregnancy, older primipara, obstetric outcomes

Correspondence to
Shunji Suzuki, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Japanese Red Cross Katsushika Maternity Hospital, 5-11-12 Tateishi, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo 124-0012, Japan

受付:2007年4月27日 受理:2007年6月27日

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