日本医科大学医学会雑誌 Online Journal メインナビゲーションを飛ばす
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第8巻 2012年4月 第2号

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鶴川 百合, 伊勢 雄也, 殿塚 早百合, 片山 志郎

Treatment of Cancer and Palliative Care (2) -Expected Role of Probiotics in Clinical Practice, Especially in Children Undergoing Chemotherapy
Yuri Tsurukawa, Yuya Ise, Sayuri Tonozuka and Shirou Katayama
Department of Pharmaceutical Service, Nippon Medical School

Leukemias and sarcomas account for many of the pediatric cases of malignancy; indeed leukemia accounts for approximately 40% of cases. The basic treatment for pediatric malignancy is chemotherapy; however, the use of anticancer drugs may also damage normal cells in the body. This creates a problem of increased susceptibility to infection because of a weakened immune system. The use of antibiotics is therefore essential to prevent and treat infections. However, antibiotics can kill both pathogenic bacteria and useful bacteria. By disturbing the balance of intestinal bacteria, antibiotics may disrupt intestinal barrier function, thus, perversely increasing the risk of infection.
In the present paper, we focus on the use of probiotics to improve the balance of intestinal bacteria. In particular, we examine the effectiveness of probiotics in children undergoing chemotherapy.

日医大医会誌 2012; 8(2), 174-178

Key words
probiotics, infection prevention

Correspondence to
Yuri Tsurukawa, Department of Pharmaceutical Service, Nippon Medical School Hospital, 1-1-5 Sendagi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8603, Japan

受付:2011年12月6日 受理:2012年3月17日

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