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第13巻 2017年2月 第1号

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H. pylori除菌療法におけるボノプラザンとエソメプラゾールの比較検討
的場 秀亮1, 吉田 寛1, 鈴木 剛2, 瀬田 真祐3, 高田 英志1, 上田 純志1, 丸山 弘1, 横山 正1, 牧野 浩司1, 内田 英二4

Comparison of Vonoprazan and Esomeprazole for Eradication of H. pylori Infection
Hideaki Matoba1, Hiroshi Yoshida1, Tsuyoshi Suzuki2, Shinsuke Seta3, Hideyuki Takata1, Jyunji Ueda1, Hiroshi Maruyama1, Tadashi Yokoyama1, Hiroshi Makino1 and Eiji Uchida4
1)Department of Surgery, Nippon Medical School Tama Nagayama Hospital
2)Research Center, Tohto College of Health Sciences
3)Department of Gastroenterology, Towa Hospital
4)Department of Gastrointestinal Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery, Nippon Medical School

The Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) eradication rate has decreased slightly because of the increasing number of clarithromycin-resistant bacteria. However, vonoprazan-based triple therapy (vonoprazan 40 mg/day+amoxicillin 1,500 mg/day+clarithromycin 800 mg/day) retains the potential to eradicate H. pylori better than other proton pump inhibitor (PPI)-based triple therapies. Vonoprazan is a potassium-competitive acid blocker that differs from PPIs in its mechanism of action. We compared vonoprazan-based triple therapy and esomeprazole-based triple therapy (esomeprazole 40 mg/day+amoxicillin 1,500 mg/day+clarithromycin 800 mg/day) in terms of the H. pylori eradication rate. Vonoprazan-based triple therapy was used to treat patients with a history of H. pylori-infected gastritis and gastric or duodenal ulcers caused by H. pylori during the period April 2015 to April 2016, and the eradication rates were compared with those obtained in similar patients treated with esomeprazole-based triple therapy between August 2014 and March 2015. The first-line H. pylori eradication rate of vonoprazan-based triple therapy was 92%, and the second-line eradication rate was 100%. The corresponding figures for esomeprazole-based triple therapy were 84.8% and 60%. Subgroup analyses of the first-line H. pylori eradication rate showed almost the same trends. There was no statistically significant difference between the H. pylori eradication rate of vonoprazan-based triple therapy and the eradication rate of esomeprazole-based triple therapy.

日医大医会誌 2017; 13(1), 38-41

Key words
vonoprazan, esomeprazole, H. pylori, eradication therapy, eradication rate

Correspondence to
Hideaki Matoba, Department of Surgery, Nippon Medical School Tama Nagayama Hospital, 1-7-1 Nagayama, Tama Tokyo 206-8512, Japan

受付:2016年10月27日 受理:2017年1月5日

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